Wednesday 29 March 2017

Hello again

Its High time I stopped procrastinating and started using the things that i make and put to one side, ha ha i do like to do my own head in sometimes but when you have a creativity block, just make mundane things and put to one side till you are ready to make something, anything.
I had made these plaster faces a long time ago i was planning to use them for my Final piece for third year degree and i never did but i found them and decided to use them to make brooches, a bit of black acrylic paint and some guilding wax and a top coat of gloss

And here we have it a vintage looking brooch fit for any of your very stylish jacket
I hope you like it xx

Mental well-being

Woke up this morning and went outside to find aircraft spraying chemicals, two or three in the sky, Boris did warn us that he would be spray...